Sunday, October 7, 2007


After viewing the video on youtube entitled "Did You Know," it has to make you sit and wonder of the changes that will take place in the up coming years. Am I worried that I will not be able to keep up? Not really. In the past, we have been able to adapt and change to conditions. I think we will do just fine.

Watching the video astounds me and raises many points that peak my curiosity. First of all, all the statistics about the growth of China and India may not be a good thing. As a country grows, so do many factors, such as poverty, unemployment, etc. They may have more scholars than we have students, but that is only one aspect of the equation.

Our students face a greater challenge, to keep up with technology, and they seem to adapt alot better than us. Ask any of them how to text message, or IM. We as educators have to adapt our curriculum to meet technological needs, and I think that will come.

Do we need to change? Absolutely. Just think of our parents who have never even use a cell phone, or possibly a computer. They have adapted their lives as best as they could to avoid this, unless there was an occasion where they might have had to use it, such as a job. What did they do? Learn just enough. I don't feel that we have to be computer geeks, or to be one step ahead. I think that we can get by by learning just enough. We need to be open to these advances, and offer lessons that will include technology.

As Ken Robinson said in the other audio piece, we still need creativity. We, more than any of these countries think, and make choices. We are not programmed robots, with our destinies predetermined. We will have 10-14 jobs by the time we are 38, by choice. We will not settle for complacency. We can test the waters, and try something out, and move on if we "no like." Most of these countries can't say the same thing


Hillary said...

I believe that creativity is what sets us apart from other countries who invest themselves in technology at the expense of all other things.

While educators must continue to work towards preparing students to compete in a technological world, schools are still places where ideas are born, develop and take shape. Educators must nurture the creativity that leads to advances in every field.

mrsasso said...

You're right,too many people appear to be afraid or intimidated by technological advances. We do need to open up to progress and help our students to find ways to utilize technology and develop new ways that it can be implemented into their lives.

Prof. Bachenheimer said...

What do we think causes that fear? Why are some people scared to dive in and try things while with other things it is no big deal?

How do we help our students when they are fearful do do something like public speaking? We push, prod, cajole, encourage...the same thing we need to do for the technologically challenged.